I used to blog fairly often.
If you ever followed me then, you know I would write about Annie’s
development, my feelings about being a new mom, and baby-related things like
As Annie grew and I got more
comfortable in my new Mommy title, I wrote less frequently.
Not because things weren’t happening, but
probably because they
I got caught up in the actual act of being a
momma and lost the time and, to be honest, desire to write about it.
I didn’t need the emotional outlet quite as
much because our family sort of settled into itself and I gained a little
confidence in my ability to actually keep my child alive and (reasonably)
But I find myself missing having this blog as a resource, as
a reference of the road we have traveled so far as a family. Every once in a while, I will return here to
see what was happening in our lives two or three years ago. So I’m wondering if I maybe should put a
little time into starting this back up.
Just maybe.

The reality is that Annie provides me with countless amounts
of material for a blog, now that she is a spirited, chatty, opinionated little
four year-old
She is like a tiny adult now, and the things
she says and does and the way we interact should certainly be preserved
somewhere for posterity.
It is almost
impossible for me to imagine that there may come a day when I don’t remember
all that she is right this second, but I am reasonable enough to know that that
time will likely come.
Not even the
4,000 (and that is not an exaggeration) pictures on my phone will be all the
reminder I will need of what she is like as a preschooler.
So maybe I should capture some moments in
writing once again.
Just maybe.
I guess I am only writing this as an introduction – a preface
to the blog I am thinking about once again writing. Because maybe if I write one entry, I will be
more compelled to write another. And
another. And another. Just maybe.
Until then, I will leave you with some pictures of Annie
these days. I won’t try to catch up on
more than a year and a half of missed moments, but here are a few of the summer
of 2015 so far.
She went and turned four years old on us a few weeks ago. And graduated to a pedal bike with training wheels - which was a very big deal for her.
She's so proud. |